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South West College Welcomes Olympian Jack McMillan at Sport and Science Collide: A Groundbreaking Event

25 Sept 2024

The South West College (SWC) Omagh Campus was thrilled to host Sport and Science Collide: Exploring the Boundaries of Human Performance, where SWC students and local schools gathered to explore the intersection of sports and science. This innovative event, held on 17 September, brought together leading experts, athletes, researchers, and students to discover how sports and science collaborate to push the limits of human performance.

The event highlighted the crucial role STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) play in sports and how they will continue to drive future advancements in athletic innovation, sports engineering, and performance analysis. Attendees also gained insights into the wide range of career opportunities emerging in this exciting field.

A highlight of the day was the appearance of Olympian Jack McMillan, a Gold Medallist with Team GB in the 4x200m Freestyle Relay at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Jack shared his inspiring journey to Olympic success and participated in a live Q&A, offering students valuable insights into what it takes to achieve the highest levels in sport.

Reflecting on his experience, Jack said, “There will always be ups and downs in sport—injuries, personal challenges—but you need to persevere and keep striving towards your goals, whether it’s the Olympics or another ambition. Identify your strengths, play to them, and put in the work. Anything is possible if you are willing to commit.”

Jack also emphasised the vital role that STEM plays in both training and competition, encouraging students to embrace these subjects as a foundation for success in sports and beyond.

Attendees also heard from a range of experts, including Olly Logan, Director of Logan Performance Consulting and Head of Biomechanics Innovation and Performance Analysis at AquaticsGB, who discussed the significant impact of STEM disciplines on athlete performance during the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Joe Turley, Co-founder of Performa Sports, a leading platform in sports performance analysis, highlighted the transformative role of data and technology in optimising athletic performance.

Meanwhile, Joanne McGovern, Curriculum Manager of the Engineering Hub at SWC, offered valuable industry insights into the importance of STEM subjects and their relevance to emerging career pathways.

The event also featured live demonstrations, exhibitions, and immersive experiences, giving students the chance to explore exciting career pathways in science, technology, engineering, maths, and sports.

Jane mc Ginty, Deputy Head of Department SWC commented,

It was fantastic to see so many young people from the local area come together to explore the many opportunities and advancements in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) and how these interlink with sports. The atmosphere was truly inspiring, with students feeling motivated by the incredible talks, live demos, and exhibitions. We look forward to seeing how these experiences shape their future academic and professional journeys. Also, a big thank you to everyone who made this event a huge success.

Watch the full event:

Explore Sport and Exercise at SWC -


STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths)


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