Step Up

Step Up Programme

If you are 16 and over and eligible to work in Northern Ireland, a range of flexible, individualised support is now available in some Further and Higher Education colleges to help you to re-engage with skills and education in order to access employment.

Step Up will provide you with an opportunity to build confidence, explore career options, build on existing skills, gain qualifications while also benefiting from one-to-one mentorship. Other help includes supported work experience, action planning and careers advice.

The length of time spent on the Project is agreed with you. With the right support, progression to further or higher education, skills training or employment is just a step away.

The Step Up Programme offers anyone aged 16+ a choice of 4 pathways, designed to meet various employment and training needs. Help is available with Mentoring, Childcare & Travel costs.

Pathway 1: College Connect +

Designed for those aged 16-24 not in education, employment or training.

Participants will:

  • Develop an individual learning plan
  • Receive support up to a Level 1 qualification
  • Receive mentorship
  • Receive FREE expert 1-2-1 career guidance by SWC Careers Advisors
  • Learn new skills

Pathway 2: College Connect 24+

Designed for anyone aged 24+ who is unemployed or economically inactive and looking to build their skills to enter employment. This Pathway is designed to give you confidence and to develop skills.

Participants will:

  • Develop an individual learning plan
  • Receive mentorship
  • Receive FREE expert 1-2-1 career guidance by SWC Careers Advisors
  • Learn new skills

Pathway 3: Disability Action Route to Education and Employment (DARE)

Designed for anyone aged 16+ who has a disability or is neurodivergent.

Participants will:

  • Receive support through mentorship, job coaching and action planning
  • Develop an individual learning plan
  • Receive FREE expert 1-2-1 career guidance by SWC Careers Advisors
  • Learn new skills

Pathway 4: Women Returners Access Programme (WRAP)

Designed for women, who are currently unemployed or economically inactive, wishing to return to education to refresh skills, to upskill and to build confidence.

Participants will:

  • Receive support through mentorship, job coaching and action planning
  • Develop an individual learning plan
  • Receive FREE expert 1-2-1 career guidance by SWC Careers Advisors
  • Learn new skills

To find out which Pathway is right for you, e-mail: or telephone Emma on 07708152876

Register for a Pathway

To find out which Pathway is right for you, e-mail: or telephone Emma on 07708152876