This event will focus on the different career pathways into IT within the Construction and Advanced Manufacturing Industries in Mid Ulster.

Mid Ulster Labour Market Partnership, in partnership with South West College are hosting the second annual Tech for the Future event on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at South West College’s Dungannon Campus. Local employers, training providers and careers advisors will be in attendance to demonstrate the wealth of IT and Tech roles available within Mid Ulster, within a range of industry sectors where advances in IT and automation has resulted in a huge need for these skills to sustain our labour force.

Local residents working in IT/Tech departments will welcome post primary students and their parents/guardians to introduce roles across a range of Mid Ulster businesses to inspire the next generation of talent. Equipment/kit used within business will be demonstrated on the night to give a hands-on, interactive experience.

Guest speakers and exhibitors will discuss how IT shapes our daily lives, the benefits of working in IT and Tech and the different pathways into a career in IT, no matter what the educational background.

There will also be various support organisations available to offer one to one advice and guidance on career pathways such as DfE Careers Service.

Below are some examples of what to expect on the night,

  • Program "Marty the Robot" to walk, dance, eyebrow wiggle and play football.
  • Pepper The Robot – Program an industrial robot to carry out minimal tasks.
  • Lego Spike – Build your own Lego Robot and program actions.
  • Hardware Installations – learn how to install basic computing components.
  • Networking – Learning how to create a basic cable.
  • See Basic Cyber Security in action.
  • Discover AI use.
  • Speak with a range of Mid Ulster employers, 1 to 1, about local opportunties and career pathways.

Plus, Students who attend and complete an exit survey will be entered into a draw for an iPad and Apple Watch.

A full list of attending employers and support organisations will be published closer to the event.

Who should attend?

Students and their parents and those exploring or working towards a career in Information Technology and related fields. This event will help with subject choices from year 10 and beyond as well as a chance to win an IPad or Apple Watch.


  • 6.00 - 6.15pm Registration
  • 6.15 - 6:20pm Opening speech by Chair of Mid Ulster District Council & Welcome by SWC
  • 6.20 - 6:30pm Presentation by South West College
  • 6.30 - 7pm Panel Discussion followed by Q&A
  • 7.00 - 9pm Exhibitors

Labour Market Partnerships are funded by the Department for Communities. More information can be found by visiting the website. By signing up for this event you are agreeing to your data being shared with our partners. We will be taking pictures throughout the event for use on social media, let us know if you wish to opt out.

    Interested in a career in IT or related fields, but need to know more?

    If you're exploring or working towards a career in Information Technology and related fields this event will help with subject choices from year 10 and beyond.