Our Current Higher Level Apprenticeship Vacancies

Please note that as we become aware of any Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) Vacancy we immediately update this page. Please ensure that you have applied for the relevant HLA Course and submitted your CV to noreen.mcgirr@swc.ac.uk to ensure that your job application can be processed. Please DO NOT send your CV directly to the employer

Current Vacancies

Have a vacancy you want to advertise?

Send us your details today and when we receive your information we will get in touch immediately to start the ball rolling

What happen's next?

After we've received your information and have made contact with you regarding the requirements for advertising a vacancy with us we shall:

  • List your job opportunities on our Higher Level Apprenticeship Vacancies page
  • Signpost all HLA applicants to the HLA job opportunities available
  • Advertise your job opportunities on our social media platforms
  • Collect and distribute CVs
  • Liaise with the employer/applicant to set up interviews

Have a question about Higher Level Apprenticeships?