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Foundation Degree in the Professional Practice of Culinary Arts (Validated by The Open University)

Level 5
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This course throws open the kitchen door and explores the principles and practices of a modern 21st century kitchen environment.

You will be taken on a journey which will better define your career options of the depth and scope of what the world of culinary arts has to offer. It will also prepare you for, or support you in, a leadership role.

The course content will give practical skills and techniques while broadening the learner's knowledge and understanding of what it is to work in a modern ethical kitchen environment.

The programme is supported by outstanding physical resources supplemented with sector leading digital capability.

South West College is approved by The Open University as an appropriate organisation to offer higher education programmes leading to Open University validated awards.

Download Regulations for Validated Awards of the The Open University

Download the Full Programme Specification

Download the Open University Student Guide

This course consists of 11 core modules (4 in Year 1, 4 in Year 2 and 3 in Year 3) which will provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively lead a kitchen team in the catering industry. There is a strong focus on industry knowledge and trends directly related to work-based learning.

Teaching Delivery Statement

Modules are delivered primarily face-to-face, with some supplementary blended and virtual material.

  • Advanced Kitchen and Larder
  • The Profitable Menu
  • The Compliant Kitchen
  • Kitchen Wellbeing and Professional Growth
  • Advanced Patisserie and Confectionary
  • The Big Event
  • Sustainability – Land and Sea
  • Food and Society – Changes and Effects
  • Ethical Kitchen Leadership
  • The Innovative Chef
  • Work Based Learning and Research Project


Applicants must have reached the age of 18 years on admission. Successful applicants must have normally reached their 18th birthday by 31 August in the year of entry. 

Possess NVQ Level 3 or above in Kitchen and Larder and/or Patisserie and Confectionery or equivalent recognised qualifications in Hospitality and Catering. 

Applicants must also possess grade C/4 or above in GCSE English and Maths or other equivalent qualifications, such as Essential Skills Level 2 in Literacy and Numeracy.   

(SWC can provide guidance and support to potential students relating to the achievement of the required Literacy and Numeracy prior to entry)

A work placement in a catering environment is recommended. 

Applicants holding non-catering-related qualifications but presenting with appropriate industrial experience will need to demonstrate they have the required level of industry skill and experience.  This will be assessed via a practical Skills test as part of the interview and selection process.  

Where an applicant does not hold the formal academic requirements for entry to the programme but can demonstrate relevant experiential learning across a range of industries, they may apply for admission through the College Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) process. In such cases, contact the Course Director for the programme who will advise further.

In both above instances the applicant may be required to participate in a series of intense skills masterclasses as a condition of their acceptance onto the programme during the 6-week induction programme alongside the academic skills induction provision. 

Course International Entry Requirements:

Students, for whom English is not their first language, must demonstrate their competence in written and spoken English at IELTS – Academic 6.0, with minimum 5.5 in all four elements of the test.

A variety of assessment methods will be used including observed practical assessments, reports, presentations, exams, case studies, show case events and much more.

Upon successful completion of the Foundation Degree in Professional Practice in Culinary Arts, graduates may follow a career within the Hospitality and Catering sector, or they may continue their studies by applying to other Colleges/Universities to complete an undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline or undertake professional qualifications.

Students will follow a vocational pathway in culinary practical skills, industrial visits, food tourism destinations, exhibitions and conferences, as well as theoretical exploration of the current trends and challenges of this industry. The overall programme is designed to be directly applicable to working practices and enhance continuous professional development.

2025/26 fees:

£2,700 (payable on an annual basis)

For 2024/25 fees, please refer to our Fees and Charges Policy on the College website.

During your course you may be required to purchase course textbooks and incur additional costs for printing, photocopying, and binding as well as additional costs to purchase a uniform and contribution to occasional participation in site visits/conferences etc.  The overall additional costs incurred to support your studies may be in the region of £100 or more per year. 

3 Available Sessions

*The fees quoted are per annum and are payable for each year of the course’s duration.




Session Code

3 Year(s)


Higher Education

Mode of Study


Hours per Week


Number of Weeks

Interview Required


Academic Year


Start Date






Total Annual Fee £1,140.00

Total Concessionary Fee N/A

Full Fee Breakdown

**Concession Fee Breakdown

Fees Payable Each Year

**Am I eligible for concessionary fees?




Session Code

2 Year(s)


Higher Education

Mode of Study


Hours per Week


Number of Weeks

Interview Required


Academic Year


Start Date

Subject to Timetable



Total Annual Fee £2,800.00

Total Concessionary Fee N/A

Full Fee Breakdown

**Concession Fee Breakdown

Fees Payable Each Year

**Am I eligible for concessionary fees?




Session Code

3 Year(s)


Higher Education

Mode of Study


Hours per Week


Number of Weeks

Interview Required


Academic Year


Start Date






Total Annual Fee £1,140.00

Total Concessionary Fee N/A

Full Fee Breakdown

**Concession Fee Breakdown

Fees Payable Each Year

**Am I eligible for concessionary fees?

Discover Other Courses

Level 3

City & Guilds Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Hospitality Supervision and Leadership


Level 2

FDQ Level 2 Award in Food Safety for the Food Industry


Level 5

Foundation Degree in Professional Practice of Culinary Arts (HLA) (Validated by The Open University)
