SWC is delighted to spotlight Marty Carlin, whose journey through the college has led to a successful career in the TV and film industry. Marty's story is one of passion, persistence, and the invaluable support he received during his time at SWC.

Growing up with an interest in IT, Marty initially did not consider a career in TV or film. However, his fascination with drama and behind-the-scenes production work sparked a new direction.

"For a while, I always had an interest in how shows were made. I would watch something and then go and watch behind-the-scenes videos which showed how certain stunts or action sequences were filmed," Marty shared.

Marty Carlin with David Tennant
Marty Carlin with David Tennant at SKY studios

This hobby eventually became a serious career consideration, leading him to SWC. Upon leaving school, Marty noticed a significant difference at SWC, where approachable lecturers provided crucial advice and guidance.

"The support from the lecturers was what really helped me over the course of the two years. I always felt the door was open to me at any time and that meant a lot," Marty remarked, highlighting the tight-knit and supportive environment at the college.

This supportive atmosphere was particularly vital during the pandemic, when remote learning became the norm. Marty's lecturers continued to offer help and discuss any issues, ensuring that students remained engaged and on track.

"The bulk of the commitment is on you to have the work completed and up to standard. It gives you a small taste of what the university culture is like and prepares you for university life,"

Marty Carlin

Transitioning from school to SWC gave Marty a head start in dealing with the freedom and responsibility that comes with university life. "The bulk of the commitment is on you to have the work completed and up to standard. It gives you a small taste of what the university culture is like and prepares you for university life," Marty explained.

Marty's persistence and networking skills paid off when he landed a role with Sky shortly before finishing university. He emphasises the importance of networking for aspiring professionals:

"Talk to people, go to events, and see what opportunities are out there. A lot of job postings can be found on social media, especially on Facebook groups. Always keep an eye on Northern Ireland Screen for crew opportunities on new shows."

Marty highly recommends the course at SWC for those interested in the film or TV industry. "The lecturers are so supportive, and the overall structure of the course was something that I found really enjoyable throughout my time at SWC. The course will give you a taster of all the roles available and help you decide what you want to pursue in the future," he said.

Marty Carlin with Charlie Brooker at the Baftas
Marty Carlin with 'Black Mirror' creator Charlie Brooker at the BAFTAs

Looking ahead, Marty plans to stay in England and hopes to move into a more production-based role, either with Sky or another broadcaster like the BBC. While he enjoys the opportunities and experiences in England, he ultimately plans to return home.

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