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Student Handbook
Funding Support for Students
Would you like to be one of the 3 million people who work as part of Travel and Tourism in the UK - the world’s 7th most popular tourist destination creating many job opportunities? The tourism lecturing team in South West College have a well-established reputation, which will ensure that your career and Higher Education aspirations can be met. The Travel and Tourism sector is vast and incorporates many associated industries such as accommodation, transport, attractions, travel companies and much more. This Level 3 programme will take you on a journey of discovery and help you identify where you would be best suited in this exhilarating and incredibly diverse world of work. This programme of study is equivalent to 3 A Levels.
The course content will research the tourism sector, nationally and globally. You will study the many aspects that make up this diverse industry, the interrelationships of its many component parts and identify the opportunities that it has to offer. You will explore the industry through a range of carefully planned and selected activities, which are aimed at developing skills and knowledge in a fun and impactful way. Your newfound knowledge, understanding and skills will equip you to move towards higher level study as well as preparing you to enter the travel and tourism sector with confidence. You will gain additional industry relevant qualifications through short, well recognised and accredited programmes such as Tour Guiding and Cabin Crew, adding incredible value to your CV. Students also will have the opportunity to gain qualifications in Numeracy, Literacy and ICT if required.
Applicants need a minimum 4 GCSEs at grade C or above. Successful applicants will be required to complete Essential Skills in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT if they have not already achieved GCSE grade C or equivalent. Due to the nature of this course, places are subject to a successful interview.
The course will be assessed by two external exams and a range of internally set coursework which includes written tasks, worksheets, oral discussions, presentations, practical activities and group work. This qualification allows achievement at pass, merit, distinction or distinction*.
On completion of this course, students can enrol onto the Foundation Degree in Hospitality and Tourism offered by SWC in conjunction with Ulster University.
The college also will enhance the learning experience of students throughout the year to gain additional qualifications, engage with Industry Experts and participate in workshops relevant to the industry. Students also will have the opportunity to gain qualifications in Numeracy, Literacy and ICT if required.
Session Code
2 Year(s)
Further Education
Mode of Study
Hours per Week
Number of Weeks
Interview Required
Academic Year
Start Date
Subject to Timetable
Total Annual Fee N/A
Total Concessionary Fee N/A
Fees Payable Each Year
**Am I eligible for concessionary fees?
Foundation Degree in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management with Specialisms (HLA)
NCFE Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism
Foundation Degree in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management with Specialisms