South West College Computing Industry Advisory Board Meeting: Bridging the Gap Between Education and Industry

Computing industry experts and academics convened at the South West College (SWC) Dungannon Campus, Computing Industry Advisory Board to discuss the evolving needs of the industry. The meeting focused on ensuring the relevance, quality, and alignment of the curriculum with industry standards.

The discussions highlighted the increasing demand for specific skills in prospective employees and the necessity to address current and future challenges. SWC is acutely aware of the rapid evolution within the IT industry and is committed to adapting its curriculum accordingly.

IAB Computing Meeting

Employers were introduced to the various Computing Pathways available at SWC, including:

  • Further Education Levels 2 & 3
  • Higher Education Level 5 (Full-time, Part-time, and Higher-Level Apprenticeships)
  • Level 6 BSc Hons Computing Science (Top-Up) Degree, validated by The Open University

Additionally, SWC offers Micro-Credentials in cutting-edge fields such as Artificial Intelligence for Industry, Cyber Security and Data Analytics (online), and a Robotics and Automation training programme.

Joanne McGovern from SWC delivered an insightful presentation on how Artificial Intelligence is transforming both education and industry.

Nicola Quinn, Head of Business and Industry Support at SWC, provided an overview of the business support programmes available through the SWC Business and Industry Support Services Department.

Sean McDermott, CEO and Owner of LoughTec, spoke on the significant benefits of employing higher-level apprentices. The discussions underscored the advantages for employers in taking on higher-level apprenticeships, emphasising the mutual benefits for both businesses and apprentices.