South West College is inviting business leaders, independent, small and medium sized enterprise operators to attend a special breakfast seminar on Thursday 30th May at its Dungannon Campus. The event is part of a wider sectoral initiative being delivered by Northern Ireland’s six further education colleges to showcase and celebrate the work being doing to champion local industry.

Senior staff members from the college’s Business Support and Curriculum teams will present on training opportunities, apprenticeships, higher level apprenticeships, traineeships and funding opportunities and encourage all those with a business interest in the south west and mid Ulster regions to come along on the morning.

Nicola Quinn, Business Development and Skills Manager, South West College, added;

“We are looking forward to hosting this special Business Breakfast on Thursday 30th May at our Dungannon Campus and showcasing the opportunities that currently exist for businesses across the region to engage with the college, whether that be in terms of training, new product development, apprenticeships or gaining access to funding.

South West College is collaborating SMES across Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland and we hope this event will help create new networks and relationships and profile the work that the college and its partners are doing across a wide spectrum of industries.”

The Business Breakfast will run from 8:30am to 10:30am on Thursday 30th May and is free to attend. A registration form for those wishing to attend is available now here.


8:30am - Registration and Breakfast

8:45am - Welcome, Ciaran McManus - SWC Director of Development and Support

8:50am - Business and Industry Support, Nicola Quinn, Business Development and Skills Manager

9:00am - Apprenticeships, Christopher Robinson, Head of Work Based Learning

9:10am - Higher Level Apprenticeships, Noreen McGirr, Higher Level Apprenticeship Programme Manager

9:20am - Client Presentation, Emma Weaver, Mental Wealth International

9:35am - Closing remarks, Celine McCartan, SWC Chief Executive