WELLBEING WEDNESDAYS True Stories By SWC College Ahead of World Mental Health Day, we are launching our 'Wellbeing Wednesdays' campaign. Every Wednesday we will be sharing messages, pictures and information to help you improve and maintain your wellbeing. Advice will come in the form of daily tips, wellbeing exercises and full workshops, and you can follow every Wednesday on the South West College Facebook page, and find more regular posts at @SWC Health and Wellbeing. This Saturday is World Mental Health Day, and we're starting our Wellbeing Wednesday programme by hearing from Michael at Action Mental Health, a charity based in Northern Ireland, with a vision to create a society that supports people on their journey towards positive mental health. Watch the video with Michael here: Share Sign up. Get Qualified. Succeed. Subscribe now for hand-picked courses, inspiration and the latest news and offers, straight to your inbox. The details provided will be used to send you relevant information about SWC. Subscribe now for hand-picked courses, inspiration and the latest news and offers, straight to your inbox. The details provided will be used to send you relevant information about SWC. Related Posts #WOW Meets Michael McKillop (Part 1) True Stories Sport Trending By Aisling McQuaid Personal Trainer, Pete Campbell True Stories By Aisling McQuaid One of life’s amazing people True Stories By Troy Prenter