
South West College has a governing body made up of people from a range of backgrounds and who bring extensive experience and knowledge to their role. The governing body is responsible for the effective and efficient management of the college, including its financial performance and the quality of its teaching, learning and assessment.

Minutes of Governing Body meetings are also provided as well as the Instrument of Government, Articles of Government and Standing Orders which outline the constitution, functions and procedures of the Governing Body.

Governance related enquiries or correspondence should be addressed to the Secretary to the Governing Body, Fiona McCauley at

Current Governing Body Members

  • Ms Celine McCartan MBE

    Principal & Chief Executive
  • Dr Nicholas O'Shiel

  • Ms Anne McCleary

  • Mrs Gillian McDowell

  • Mrs Sandra Isherwood

  • Dr Lynsey Quinn

  • Ms Alana Jones-Campbell

  • Mr Brian Ingram

  • Dr Frances Campbell

  • Mrs Maureen Brunt

  • Mrs Maria Hackett

  • Dr David Cutting

  • Mrs Maria Curran

  • Mrs Libby Armstrong

  • Mr Tom Corr

  • Mr Michael Barnett

  • Mr Diarmuid Hanna

    Student Governor
  • Dr Nichola Melanaphy