South West College is delighted to welcome the first cohort of 12 students who are taking part in a 14 week Robotics and Automation training programme that will equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to take up potential roles with companies in the Manufacturing and Engineering sector in Mid Ulster.

The Academy is funded by the Department for the Economy and was launched by Economy Minister Conor Murphy in July. South West College is supported by industry partners Manufacturing and Engineering Growth and Advancement (MEGA) on the academy to ensure that the curriculum directly addresses the needs of the regional economy and local employers. Training will be delivered on a part-time basis over the next 3 months with classes scheduled on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Learners will complete ETCAL Level 2 Preparing and Using Industrial Robots and Level 2 Assembling and testing Fluid Systems. Following completion of the training, participants are guaranteed an interview for a Robotics and Automation position at one of the supporting partner companies.

Nicola Quinn, Head of Business and Industry Support, South West College, said:

“South West College has a proud tradition of partnering with businesses across the region to deliver programmes that directly meet the needs of the local economy. Our curriculum is designed to be responsive to industry demand and we are delighted to welcome this first group of 12 students onto the Assured Skills Academy in Robotics and Automation.

Not only will the students learn to use the most advanced Robotics and Automation technology and gain qualifications that will set them apart from others in the sector, but they have a guaranteed opportunity to interview for a position at some of the region’s most innovative and successful enterprises after just 14 weeks.”