South West College (SWC) was delighted to recently welcome an extensive range of industry representatives at its first Computing and Cyber Careers Event, delivered at the SWC Dungannon, Omagh, and Enniskillen campuses and attended by current and prospective students.

The primary focus of the event, organised by SWC and supported by Bring I.T. On, was to highlight the wide range of careers available in one of the fastest-growing industries and to open current and prospective students' minds to the huge variety of Further, Higher and Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) courses available at their doorstep.

The interactive event was delivered recently at the SWC Dungannon, Omagh and Enniskillen campuses and allowed guests to engage and interact with industry experts, allowing prospective and current students to make better-informed choices and gain a more in-depth insight into this exciting and ever-changing sector.

Local businesses from across Northern Ireland, including CME Group, FinTrU, LoughTec and OPSWAT, were in attendance to deliver guest speeches, showcase opportunities, share employability tips and discuss work placement alongside future career opportunities.

A representative from Bring I.T. On was also in attendance to discuss entry routes, pathways and career opportunities, including HLAs in Computing and Cyber Security.

SWC Computing and Cyber Security students studying at Level 2-6, alongside prospective students, were delighted to engage and interact with industry experts and enjoyed asking questions and discussing the diversity of career options available.

The showcase event also featured a fun careers event quiz, where guests tested their knowledge against each other, with four winners announced at each campus, with each receiving a special prize.

“The presentation was amazing and so informative. It was great to get speaking to prospective employers to see what exactly they would like in an employee. And having won an Amazon voucher was a brilliant end to the evening.”

Omagh winner, Katie Gallagher

"The event was engaging and very educational. It was great to have the opportunity to speak with industry which has provided me with a more precise idea of the area I want to pursue and the progression routes to achieve this, which are available right here at the College."

Enniskillen winner, Nathan Anderson

“The recent Bring IT on careers event in South West College was an amazing experience, I found it very insightful and look forward to my future in this evolving industry!”

Dungannon winner, Eoghan Molloy

Sinead McGee, Head of School for Mathematics and Computing at SWC, said:

“We take great pride in offering courses and qualifications that help strengthen the IT sector in our local region. We have a group of highly qualified tutors that offer the best possible education to students who wish to embark on careers in IT and Cyber Security.”

South West College currently offers a wide range of Computing and Cyber Security courses from Level 2 to 6, with HLA options. To find out more about Computing and IT courses at South West College, see below or contact Heather Ellison at:

Computing and Cyber courses